FIRST TIME? Complete forms before you visit
Request pass freezes and manage your details at MY TCA

Circular Climbing Collective

White Angles

Informal climbing sessions hosted every fortnight by the Circular Climbing Collective. Support your mental health through climbing and by connecting with others. These social sessions are held on a Monday from 6.30-9.30pm.


For your Mental Health

CCC is a climbing collective that focuses on mental health. In collaboration with The New Normal Charity, they aim to create a safe, positive space where climbers and non-climbers can connect, share and better understand their mental health. 

INSTAGRAM: @CircularClimbingCollective



Inclusive climbing

The group is for those aged 18+. Sessions are held fortnightly at The Mothership and led by trained facilitators. Meet in the cafe area and come climb from 6.30pm-9.30pm, but the centre is open until 10pm!


There is no additional cost to attend CCC sessions, other than standard entry to our centre, which is free to pass-holders or see prices for an adult. If you are new to TCA, please complete forms online before you come to save time and maximise your climbing. Scroll to the bottom of this page for special offers for CCC bookers.


As a small incentive for newer climbers, we are offering free shoe hire to participants.


All participants (both PAYG and pass-holders) must BOOK ONLINE not at the tills. This can be done at any time 4 weeks in advance, right up until a few minutes before the session starts.


If you like it…

TCA membership

New member deal: £39 for 1 month of unlimited climbing, for those who haven’t had a prepaid membership before.
After that – Each month of unlimited climbing (inc. access to all TCA centres) is just £50 via monthly billing or £55 as a single payment. 


Course discounts

Special offer for CCC bookers

We are offering 25% discount on selected TCA courses including the following roped courses at The Church. Email Jon to get your discount code. 

Adult Beginners Course
Adult Lead Course

Once you have completed a course, you can pay a top-up of £25 to unlock 1 month of unlimited climbing in all TCA centres.