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White Angles

arrowBeginners (bouldering and roped)


You do not need to complete a course to boulder. You do not need to book, just turn up and our staff will look after you. You can save time by completing forms at home, before you visit.

Complete forms


Roped Climbing

Taster sessions

The perfect intro to climbing. Try bouldering and roped climbing in a fun taster session. No prior experience required. We offer adult-only, kids or family sessions.

The Church, Bristol
The Arc, Chippenham


Roped Beginners’ Courses

Learn the skills you need to top-rope independently in our beginners’ courses. No prior experience required.

The Church, Bristol
The Prop Store, Glasgow
The Arc, Chippenham


arrowBouldering courses

Movement and technique

After you have tried bouldering a few times, you can book Movement and Technique. Master the art of effortless climbing and learn essential techniques in our tried and tested skills course.

The Mothership, Bristol
The Newsroom, Glasgow

arrowAuto belay inductions

Never used an auto belay before? We run free auto belay inductions on request – simply enquire with staff at the reception desk or by phone. You’ll learn important rules for using the auto belay systems safely and be signed off as an auto belay climber following the induction.

The Prop Store, Glasgow
The Arc, Chippenham

arrowLead climbing courses

By learning to lead you will expand the number of lines on which you can climb. Our lead courses are for experienced top-rope climbers, apart from Straight to Lead course at The Arc. Click below for more info.

The Church, Bristol
The Prop Store, Glasgow
The Arc, Chippenham

arrowOutdoor rope courses

During the warmer months we run outdoor courses in the Southwest. Both are run by our instructing team from The Church in Bristol. We offer ‘Outdoor taster sessions’ (no experience is required) and ‘Intro to sport climbing’ for competent lead climbers.

The Church, Bristol

arrowPersonal coaching

Climbers at any level, can book personal coaching from our experienced instructors. You may prefer to be coached in a one-on-one environment or perhaps you have completed a course and want to know what to do next. Whether you just want some extra support or a training plan to help you hit that target grade, our coaches are ready to share their expertise with you. Sessions are customisable to your needs.

Enquire about coaching: Bristol | Glasgow

arrowKids classes

Visit the Youth pages for each centre to find out more about Tiny Academy (for under 5s), plus regular term-time climbing classes for 5-15s, school holiday sessions and more.

The Mothership, Bristol
The Newsroom, Glasgow
The Church, Bristol
The Prop Store, Glasgow
The Arc, Chippenham

arrowClimbers clubs

Although not courses, we do run social climbing clubs. Some run throughout the year and some are seasonal, see links below or ask local staff for more details.

The Mothership, Bristol
The Newsroom, Glasgow
The Church, Bristol
The Prop Store, Glasgow