Lockdown Training
So, here we are again. How are we going to maintain strength while stuck at home the next few weeks? Keeping on top of physical fitness – even to some extent – will also help to keep your mind in a positive place.
Daily tips and tricks
Do you remember the last time we did this in April? Our in-house coaches Cobra (Glasgow) and Roz (Bristol) gave out their advice and suggestions for home training. We recommend revisiting these posts if you’ve forgotten about them.
Training at home – Cobra Corner and other good sources for home-based training ideas
Get Roz fit -TCA coach and strong lady Roz has created a plan to help you stay in shape
Or fancy a new routine? Here’s a simple 14-day workout from Gripped that you can try with integrated rest days.
Hangboard for beginners
Have you bought your first hangboard recently, but left it lying on your bedside table for weeks staring at you like a cryptic crossword? Check out Dave MacLeod’s instructional video for newbies. If you do it properly and take your time, you’ll stay injury-free and make gains for future climbs.
Listen to reason
If you’re not keen to work up a sweat, maybe you could muster the energy to listen to the experts as they explain the reasoning behind all these pushups they want you to do in your living room. Below are a couple of podcast episodes about the best practices for training from home.
- Matt Pincus on How to Train at Home During COVID-19
- Steve Bechtel, Kris Hampton, and Tom Randall on Best Practices for Training at Home
Train your mind
I don’t want to workout
And always remember, if you’re just not feeling the home workout, that is fine too. Don’t beat yourself up. Even just a short walk in the fresh air may help you to feel better. But beyond physical training, you could also use this time to learn and gather advice on mindset training which could help you to make progress once we reopen or restrictions ease.
We are running two free online events in Jan-Feb with Hetty Key from the Women’s Trad Festival and mental training coach and pro athlete Hazel Findlay.
You could also try meditation. Our favourite resource is Headspace, an app that encourages you to take a little time every day to practice mindfulness. It focuses a lot on breathing, and as all climbers know, one of the best things we can do to improve our performance is BREATHE.