Paraclimbing fun comp
ROUND 1 of The UK Paraclimbing Collective’s Open Paraclimbing Fun Comp is coming to The Mothership at the start of August. Spread the word.
Fun comp in Bristol
Are you interested in meeting other paraclimbers and climbing on some fun problems that cater for your inclusive needs? Join us for Round 1:
WHERE – 📍 TCA Mothership, Bristol
WHEN – Fri 2 August from 6pm
WHO FOR – 🚸 This social/open competition is for
ANYONE that has an inclusive need and/or a physical impairment. We welcome all ages, please just ensure that any under 16’s have the necessary supervision forms in place.
PRICING – No additional entry fee (i.e. free for pass-holders), plus all participants get free shoe hire.
FIRST TIME? message James Rudge (at the email below) or speak to him on arrival to get a code for 50% off entry. No need to book.
ACCESS – 🦽 all comp problems will be on the ground floor, so everyone can access them. The building has disabled parking spaces.
INSTRUCTIONS – 🦮 Let staff on reception know that you are there for the comp and they’ll get you registered and signed in.
Climb and make friends
Please note, the competing element of this evening is not mandatory and it will be a great day to meet other like-minded people 😀 To give the team a head start on the day, please complete this form to register your interest. Any questions, please reach out to James via email james.rudge@hotmail.co.uk or on Instagram.
Paraclimbing social
James runs the Paraclimbing Social at The Mothership. If no future dates are showing, please check back over time as they are added periodically.