Training at home
Good sources for home-based training ideas.
Some of our TCA climbers are lucky enough to have home training set up, but we know the vast majority won’t. To be honest even finding the motivation just now, for many will be the tricky part. Easy everyday training could include crimping on EVERYTHING, carrying heavy shopping bags (as we are all doing fewer but bigger shops), bridging in doorways or halls, or the classic table traverse shown below – watch out for bruised thighs with this one.
Your social feeds will be rammed with great training ideas from climbing sources, but to help you navigate, here are just a few of our favourites:
The table traverse
Warming up
A great fingerboard warm-up session from Lattice Training – so important!!
Training with minimal equipment
Lattice also produced this brilliant home training inspiration for people who don’t have much equipment. PLUS there’s a cute dog!
Fingerboarding protocols
Our good friend and La Sportiva athlete Neil Gresham has been regularly posting great instructional videos on Instagram for those who have fingerboards. Importantly Neil is great at highlighting bad form that might lead to injuries.
A good read
If reading is more your thing, grab a comfy spot and a cuppa – which hopefully isn’t too hard at home – kick back and browse the excellent content on Outside Magazine:
An alpinist’s do-anywhere bodyweight work-out
How runners stay fit when they can’t race
6 rules for staying active during a pandemic
At home strength training for rock climbing
Let us know if you have other favourites worth adding.
Yoga at home
Time at home is perfect for getting into yoga. Fortunately TCA Glasgow yoga instructor Anna is still leading regular yoga classes throughout the week. Follow Anna on Instagram to find out how you can join her classes.
Advice from our in-house coaching guru – Cobra
Followers of Cobra Corner will already know that some of our videos are do-able from home, either inside or if you’re lucky enough to have one, in a garden. We’ve posted some of these below including animal walks, resistance band work, core training, TRX (if you have one), finger-boarding and weights. Even if you can’t do them all, you should still be able to manage a few. Some of the items mentioned can still be ordered online, so it may be worth doing a search. Good luck!
If you are fully committed to Netflix and keeping your feet up, don’t beat yourself up, maybe just watch them anyway. If nothing else, it’s nice to see Stu’s face again!
You may also like Get Roz fit and Secrets to becoming a semi-decent climber.