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Party pics

We’d love to see your photos.

I heart TCA party photos

Are you coming to the I heart TCA party and comp? We know that some of you take amazing photos. We’d love to see your pics and share them with our community. So we’ve made Google folders that will allow you to contribute. Please read the permission and usage info below before uploading any images.

Upload your images

The Mothership  Upload your images
The Prop Store  Upload your images

If you any any issues with this, please email single pics or WeTransfer links to Marketing.

Please do not leave cameras, phones or other hard objects on the mats

Permission and usage

By adding your images to our Google folders you are giving TCA permission to use the images for marketing purposes, including social media. You still own the copyright to your images.

You must have the permission of identifiable image subjects (or their parents/guardians if under 18) before submitting your images. If you require a credit, please upload images with your name as part of the image title.

These images will be used for publicity related to The Climbing Academy. Images may be used on our website, social media channels (including Facebook and Instagram), email, newsletters, press releases, print and on partner’s sites.

Changing your mind

Photography subjects or photographers can change their mind at any time and request deletion. Just email marketing including a screengrab of any affected images (if available). Images will be deleted from the TCA library, those used in digital format can be removed immediately and anything used in print will be phased out at the earliest convenient moment.