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NIBAS and NICAS at TCA Glasgow

Did you know that our youth sessions are a part of a nationwide scheme? The NIBAS (National Indoor Bouldering Award Scheme) and NICAS (National Ibdoor Climbing Award Scheme) schemes are designed to promote climbing development and accredit individual achievement on artificial climbing structures. It can be used as a starting point for people wishing to take up climbing and mountaineering.

Whilst we offer NIBAS sessions at both The Newsroom and The Prop Store, we excited to announce that The Prop Store has just been approved an application to host NICAS sessions! This means that youth climbers can now learn to rope climb at our newest centre in Maryhill – a fantastic opportunity for youngsters to learn to climb across disciplines and develop their skills either further.

Martin Chester, Executive Officer of the ABCTT, said: “I’m delighted that The Prop Store will be delivering the NICAS Scheme… We believe that high standards should be encouraged early on in a participants’ climbing career so that both safety and enjoyment can be practised to the full, and we believe NICAS provides that framework.”

By delivering these schemes, we aim to provide the structure and motivation for climbers to develop their skills in order that they may gain the most out of their sport – as well as having their achievements recognised nationally. We hope that these schemes will continue to inspire people to achieve their best.

We’ll be launching NICAS sessions at The Prop Store very soon. The next term of NIBAS sessions are starting at both our Glasgow centres this weekend; follow the link below to block book the entire term.

Upcoming NIBAS Sessions at The Newsroom

Little Squirrels (Sat & Sun @0915 &1030): Book here
NIBAS 1 Block Booking (Sat & Sun @1030): Book here
NIBAS 2 Block Booking (Sat & Sun @1145): Book here
NIBAS 3 Block Booking (Sat and Sun @1345): Book here

Upcoming NIBAS Sessions at The Prop Store

Little Squirrels (NEW TIME, Sat & Sun @1015): Book here
NIBAS 1 Block Booking (NEW TIME, Sat & Sun @1130): Book here