TCA pass-holder app
Check in and check out using our app for pass-holders
Why checking out is important
By checking in and out our staff can get an indication of how many people are in the building. At busy times, for reasons of safety, you may need to queue to get in. But don’t worry, it won’t be long.
Scan entry
You may have a TCA card or you may have your pass associated with another card (most barcode cards can be used) – but now you can check-in and out using a barcode saved in the RGPro Connect app on your phone. This minimises the number of things you need to carry with you and reduces the amount of plastic waste in the world. Plus we know you’re all phone addicts, who will never be far from your device!
Rock Gym Pro is our entry and membership system.
Get started – download the app
Getting set up is simple:
- Download the RGPro Connect app from the Apple App Store or from Google Play.
- Search for ‘The Climbing Academy’.
- Create an account – Try to use the email address you used for your TCA membership.
- You can then choose to view any TCA centre.
- Each time you open the app it will show you the last centre viewed. Click the navigation bars to change to another facility.
Link your account
On your first visit to our centres, just let the staff know that you have the app and they will link your account. From then on, you can use the app to contactlessly check in and out.