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Southwest student deals


Discover the best climbing deals for students!

Are you a student looking for a fun way to stay fit in a welcoming and inclusive environment?




New member deal

A TCA pass gives you unlimited access to all 3 TCA Southwest climbing centres:

The Mothership and The Church in Bristol and The Arc only a short train ride away in Chippenham! When you buy your first ever TCA month pass, it’s discounted to just £39 for adults and £19 for under 16s – for unlimited climbing in all centres, plus 10% off a pair of shoes in the TCA shop (excluding sale items).

3-month student pass 

TCA offers a 3-month student pass of £130, which is £43.33 per month; for any 3 months, start any time, no freezes. We also offer discounted entry via punch cards which can be used anytime.


Friday night is student night! 

Discounted climbing for students every Friday with our new student night. Save on entry, meet other students and decompress post-lecture. £10* entry, 3-10pm every friday, for students.*

*Students must hold a valid UNiDAYS or Student Beans. 

*Excl. rental equipment and shoes.

FACILITIES TCA Southwest centres offer a huge range of facilities including bouldering, roped, climbing, auto belays, gym equipment, training boards, MoonBoards, circuits, cafes and more. View packages to see details.



Club sessions @ TCA

We want to give your group the best climbing experience. Weeknight evenings can be very busy and student clubs can be quite sizable, so TCA works with each university to agree a suitable time for your club or society meet-ups. This will maximise space for your group and create more fun sessions for everyone. Email for more info.

UWE Students:
Friday afternoons at Mothership (bouldering)
Wednesday afternoons at The Church (roped climbing)

Bath, UoB and other student groups:
Contact us to discuss your specific needs and schedule.


A collage of pics from all 3 SW centres, including varied people bouldering and roped climbing. We also see the exterior climbing wall and skatepark at The Arc, a competition climber competing at The Arc in front of a crowd (some of whom are sitting on top of the top-out boulder) and some people sitting at wooden benches outside The Arc, enjoying drinks and chat.



Freshers’ Week Tasters

At the start of term, to kickstart your year, we offer Freshers’ Week Tasters – designed to welcome new student climbers. These sessions are a great way to let students from your university or college try TCA at a super discounted rate whilst forming bonds with others who may also be new. These tasters are great fun for experienced climbers or total newbies who just want to give climbing a go! 



Discounted climbing courses

TCA offers student discounts on scheduled Roped Beginners, Lead Climbing Courses and Movement and Technique bouldering course. You can secure even bigger discounts with bespoke courses for 4-6 students at a time you can choose. Bookers of all roped courses can pay an optional £25 to unlock a month of unlimited climbing.

Students also get discounted rates for bespoke personal coaching.


Book now

For booking info about tasters and courses, current prices, discounts and more click below for more info on all of our student packages.



Competitions and more

Participate in our exciting competitions and events throughout the year. Follow us on social and make sure you tick yes to getting TCA enewsletters (when you register) for all the latest new on our Winter Series bouldering comp and other events. Find us on Instagram (The Mothership, The Church, The Arc)  and Facebook (TCA Bristol, The Arc). Visit My TCA to change your contact details.